Is Your Wood Cracking After Turning? Here’s What to Do
Nothing is more frustrating than spending months turning and drying your wood creation, only to find that a small crack has appeared somewhere in the drying process. Because wood is so temperamental, it can be hard to figure out exactly where in the turning or drying...

What are the Best Glues for Woodturning?
Turning wood can be both satisfying and frustrating, whether you do it as a hobby or have expanded and (as in my case) using it for a source of income. With that expansion of experience also comes with an expansion of knowledge. Knowing which woods work best for which...

How Long Do CBN Wheels Last?
When sharpening woodturning tools, you want to make sure you have the right tool for the job. Successful sharpening depends on the method of grinding, tool setup, and using the right grinding wheel. Using a cubic boron nitride (CBN) grinding wheel is better than using...

Can You Turn Wood on a Metal Lathe?
Wood lathes and metal lathes share many common characteristics. The significant difference is the material that is used by the worker in the machine. Since the processes and the tools are similar, the question of whether you can turn wood on a metal lathe...

Can You Put Car Wax on Wood?
Car enthusiasts and woodworkers alike often have something in common: the use of waxes to improve their products’ appearances. Wax can serve as a protectant of car or wood surfaces while adding extra shine. Most people, though, use wax for its protective aspects that...

Craig Villarrubia
Hi, I'm Craig Villarrubia. A few years ago a friend gifted me a lathe and put a woodturning tool in my hand. I immediately fell in love with woodturning. Since then, I spend a lot of time learning, immersing myself in it, and improving my craft. Along the way I've managed to create a full-time business out it too. This site is dedicated to sharing all that I've learned.